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본 논문은 한국전쟁 초기 영국과 미국 간의 견해차에 착안하여, 특히 중국을 '침략자'로 규정하려는 미국의 결의안을 놓고 미국과 신경전을 벌였던 영국의 모습을 살핌으로써 강경 일색인 미국을 말리려 드는 영국의 조정자 역할을 분석한다. 영국이 왜 조정자로 나서게 되었는지, 이를 통해 무엇을 얻고자 했는지, 그리고 그 목적을 달성했는지를 점검함으로써 조정자 역할의 의미와 한계를 짚어보고자 한다. 이를 위해 필자는 기밀 해제된 영국 정부 문서를 토대로 중국에 관한 영·미 간의 갈등을 고찰하였다. 결론적으로, 영국은 미국의 강경한 대응이 몰고올 후폭풍으로부터 자국의 이익을 지키기 위해 조정자로 나섰던 것이고 그 과정에서 영국이 가지고 있던 특별한 대 중국 인식도 일정한 추동력을 제공했다. 그러나 불행하게도 국력 쇠퇴라는 불가항력적 한계를 떠안고 조정자의 길로 나서야 했던 영국은 서유럽의 안정과 극동에서의 이익이라는 두 가지 목적을 동시에 달성할 여력이 없었다. 절대적인 힘의 우위에 있는 미국은 서유럽에 대한 안보공약이라는 지렛대를 휘두름으로써 영국의 조정 시도를 얼마든지 좌절시킬 수 있었다. 요컨대 서유럽의 안보와 극동지역에서의 이익은 동시에 잡을 수 없는 두 마리의 토끼였다.
This article examines the United Kingdom's mediator role in the Korean War by looking into divergence of opinions between the UK and the US during the war, especially when Britain dismissed a U.S.-proposed resolution trying to define China as “an aggressor" and started to wage a psychological war against America after China's entry into the war had put the UN troops at a disadvantage. The article analyzes the limitations of the UK as a mediator by reviewing what the UK had wanted, what its motivation behind was, and whether the UK attained its goal. To do that, the author examines differences between the UK and the US regarding China based upon declassified documents of the UK government. The UK turned out to be a mediator to avert escalation of war that was prompted by the United States, or rather to protect its own interests in the Far East. But unfortunately, the UK, which suffered decline of its national strength, had to take into account the U.S. views due to its security concerns in West Europe. The United States, with its overwhelming power, was able to frustrate the UK's mediation efforts by threatening with guarantee of security in West Europe. In short, security issues in West Europe and stakes in the Far East could hardly be handled at the same time. Despite that the UK's attempt of mediation failed to play its due part, the research is relevant as it offers a new perspective and starting point for Korean War-related research. Most of the existing studies on external factors in the Korean War focus on China-Soviet, U.S.-Soviet and China-U.S. relations. Yet a review of the Korean War with the vision which emphasizes ideology conflict could lead to neglect of many other factors. The UK's mediator role, which has been deemed a secondary factor, is one of them. In fact, the UK's role as a mediator from the perspective of the Anglo-American alliance serves as an importance gauge to assess the U.S. policy in an objective manner. A reexamination of the Korean War using this gauge will provide some new insights compared with previous studies.
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Korean War, Anglo-American Policy Conflicts, Mediator Role, Chinese troops, Aggressor, Condemnation Resolution