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본고는 공공 공연장의 리더십과 사회적 자본이 경영성과에 긍정의 영향을 미친다는 신계화와 김화례의 가설을 받아들여 이를 이종덕 전 사장에게 적용함으로써 신계화의 분석과 실재 사이에 어느 정도의 편차가 있는지를 살펴보고자 했다. 뿐만 아니라 이종덕의 리더십 유형이 ‘서번트 리더십’으로 분류할 수 있다고 판단하고 그 근거를 그의 자전 에세이에서 찾아보았다. 본고는 몇 가지 한계점을 지니고 있다. 첫째, 사회적 자본의 주요한 개념 중 하나가 네트워크라는 점에서 이종덕이 오프라인 외에 온라인에서도 네트워크를 구축해서 인맥을 확장했는지를 조망하지 못했다. 두 번째, 이종덕의 자전적 에세이에만 의존해 그의 경영 철학을 파악하는데 그쳐 그의 예술 경영 전반을 총체적으로 조명하지 못한 한계가 있으며 이는 앞으로 풀어야 할 숙제다. 그럼에도 본고는 앞으로 예술기관의 특수성과 공공성, 경영효율성을 동시에 추구하는 공공 공연장 CEO가 되려면 과업지향형이나 혁신지향형 인물보다는 이종덕 사장처럼 예술 경영 철학, 사회적 자본, 서번트 리더십을 갖춘 인물이 필요함을 주장한다.

This paper accepts the hypothesis of Shin Gye-hwa and Kim Hwa-yee that the leadership and so called Social Capital of a public theater's chief executive officer can have a positive effect on management performance, and applies it to former President Jong-Deok Lee of Chungmu Art Center and tries to see how much difference there is between the Shin's analysis and reality. This thesis judged that Jong-Deok Lee's leadership style could be classified as a form of Servant Leadership an also tried to prove that the Social Capital he built throughout his life had a significant impact on managerial performances through the concrete results shown in the operation of his venues. * Kangwon National Univ., naulboo@naver.com, ** Kangwon National Univ., hakroyoon@gmail.com However, it must be confessed that this paper has some limitations. First, It did not directly survey, it was not possible to see whether Lee built and expanded his network by establishing an online network in addition to offline ones and this paper relied on Jong-Deok Lee's autobiographical essay to grasp his management philosophy, and could not totally illuminate his art management as a whole. This issue remains an unsolved problem. Nevertheless, this paper argues that in order to become a CEO of a public theater that pursues unique characteristics and publicness as well as management efficiency as an enterprise at the same time, one had better have art management philosophy, wide social capital and especially servant leadership, like CEO Jong-Deok Lee, rather than just being a task-oriented or only innovation-oriented person. This is especially true given that public theaters appointed outsiders such as entrepreneurs to achieve business performance only to achieve short-term outcomes but few have achieved the organizational harmonization and laid a foundation for long-term and stable growth.