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This paper focuses on studying Chinese Ri-mu change reflected in Chinese rhyme books and Chinese textbooks of Joseon dynasty. In these books each Chinese character was given Chinese readings in Korean alphabet, these readings may represent the phonetic state of Mandarin and reflect the phonetic changes in Mandarin. This paper will analyze the Chinese readings in Chinese resources of Joseon dynasty and be concerned with several problems about Chinese Ri-mu change. This paper aims to study the following problems. First, I will analyze the Korean transcription in these books and look into the characteristics of Ri-mu readings in these books. Secondly, I will scrutinize Chinese Ri-mu change reflected in Chinese resources of Joseon dynasty. Finally, I will argue that Ri-mu readings in these books are found to be related to the phonological system's basis of these books. We can say Ri-mu readings in Chinese textbooks of the late Joseon dynasty may represent the Northern official language of the 18th and 19th century commonly used in Beijing and northeastern area, but several Ri-mu readings are similar to the phonetic state of contemporary east Shandong dialects and Liaodong dialects. We can conclude that Chinese resources of Joseon dynasty are important books for demonstrating Ri-mu change in the history of the Chinese language from Early Mandarin to Contemporary Mandarin.