초록 열기/닫기 버튼

By employing a case study method, the present paper investigates Korean EFL middle school students’ use of online resources (i.e., online dictionaries, search engines, corpus tools, etc.) in the performance and development of their second language (L2) writing. During the study, the three participants engaged in fifteen writing sessions and tool-use training sessions. The data were derived from interviews, written production, screen-recorded writing processes, stimulated recall, and observation. The results showed detailed pictures of the students’ use of online resources in solving linguistic problems during L2 writing, indicating that the writing processes aided by online resources heightened their language awareness, lessened cognitive burden, and increased self-regulation. It was shown that despite the availability of other resources, the participants overwhelmingly preferred the Naver English Dictionary due to its user-friendliness and provision of bilingual data. The study suggests that the benefits of online resources found in previous studies for adult and advanced learners may be extended to young and less proficient learners. Some pedagogical implications are discussed on the possibility of including in EFL classrooms L2 writing activity combined with online-tool-use training and individualized support for improved student outcomes.