초록 열기/닫기 버튼

『Jungjujeongeum』 is a manuscript that records the Chinese learning contents of the official Chinese language school opened in 1897. There is no data to confirm the Chinese education of this period so far. However, 『Jungjujeongeum』 was discovered and some of the aspects of Chinese education at that time were possible. Through the records of the scribe, it can be seen that the Chinese curriculum at that time was very important to pronunciation education enough to distinguish between pronunciation learning and tone learning. Each pronunciation was first practiced in one syllable in detail by tone, and the application was practiced through a short sentence or proverb containing the pronunciation. Although the contents of the conversation are not included in much, it cannot be examined in detail, but it is presumed that it was influenced by Chinese textbooks published in Japan. With the discovery of this data, we hope that it will be an opportunity to review the changed aspects of modern foreign language education in Korea at the end of the 19th century.