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Hongkyun Kim. (2019). A Study on the Translation of Game Flavor Text : Game Hearthstone as a Case. This study focuses on the translation aspects of a specific game text named Flavor text. Advanced game developing techniques and users’ improved game experience made game users’ to want ‘something more’ in their game. Flavor text has been created to fulfill the users’ need for something beyond their gameplay. It is a text which offers its users extra entertainment by offering more information about the game’s backgrounds (lore) or humor. Unlike other game texts, which is related with game system or game play, Flavor text exists separate from game system or game play, providing extra fun to users. Because Flavor text is separated from game system or game play, it can include content more freely than other game texts which are bound to their game systems or game play. Data from Game Hearthstone showed that there are 5 translation strategies used while translating Flavor text. Those strategies are Addition, Omission, Modification, Replacement and Literal Translation.