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본 연구는 성별과 고용형태의 상호작용이 콜센터 상담사의 감정부조화, 감정소진, 고객지향성에 어떠한차이가 있는지 그리고 자기효능감의 조절효과를 알아보고자 한다. 이러한 연구결과를 통해 성별과 고용형태의상호작용에서 조절적 역할을 하는 자기효능감의 중요성과 감정부조화, 감정소진, 고객지향성의 차이를 통해직무태도나 행동의 격차를 감소시킬 수 있는 시사점을 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구는 성별(남성/여성)과고용형태(비정규직/정규직)의 상호작용을 자기효능감의 평균(M=3.592, SD=0.607)을 중심으로 집단(낮은집단/높은 집단)을 구분하여 감정부조화, 감정소진, 고객지향성에 어떠한 차이를 나타내는지 알아보고자 2x2x2 집단요인설계를 이용하였으며, 주효과와 상호작용효과를 파악하기 위해 삼원분산분석(three-way ANOVA)을실시하였다. 분석결과, 첫째, 성별과 고용형태의 상호작용은 감정부조화에 미치는 유의한 차이가 있어 가설1은 채택되었으며, 자기효능감의 조절효과는 유의하지 않아 가설 2는 기각되었다. 둘째, 성별과 고용형태의상호작용이 감정소진에 미치는 차이는 유의하지 않아 가설 3은 기각되었다. 그러나 자기효능감은 조절적역할을 수행하여 가설 4는 채택되었다. 셋째, 성별과 고용형태의 상호작용이 고객지향성에 미치는 유의한차이가 있어 가설 5는 채택되었다. 그리고 자기효능감은 조절적 역할을 수행하여 가설 6은 채택되었다. 이러한 결과를 통해 본 연구에서는 다음과 같은 시사점을 제공하고자 한다. 첫째, 콜센터 상담사의 서비스제공과정에서 요구되는 감정노동에 필연적으로 수반되는 감정부조화를 줄일 수 있는 자기감정관리 훈련 및프로그램 개발이 필요하다. 둘째, 감정소진을 최소화하기 위한 노력이 필요하다. 상담사 선발 시 자기효능감검사를 통해 자기효능감이 높은 지원자를 채용할 수 있는 기반을 마련하고 콜센터 내 자기효능감 향상교육등을 통해 감정소진을 해소해 나갈 수 있을 것이다. 셋째, 고객지향성을 향상시킴에 있어 단기적인 관점보다장기적인 관점에서 우수한 인재를 확보할 필요가 있다. 또한 고객들의 인식을 전환하기 위해서는 상담사스스로가 좀 더 고객지향성을 강화할 필요가 있으며, 자기효능감이 이러한 조절적 역할을 할 수 있을 것이다.

This paper aims at finding out what differences are made with the interaction effect of gender and employment status by the Self-Efficacy(SE) of call center counselor in their Emotional Dissonance(ED), Emotional Exhaustion(EE), and Customer Orientation(CO). Through these study results, the purpose of this paper is to provide the importance of SE which plays an adjusting role in interaction effects of gender and employment status, and the implications to decrease the gap of work attitudes and behaviors through the differences of their ED, EE, and CO. To carry out this research a self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted with the subject of call center counselors and data was collected. The total of 561 survey sheets were collected and only 500 copies were used for final analysis among them, because 61 subjects were not in charge of call center service counselling and information work. The mean(M=3.592, SD=.607) of SE was centered with the groups(High/Low) on both sides. This paper had a purpose in finding out what differences the interaction effects of gender(Male/Female) and employment status(Regular/Irregular) of call center counselors make in their ED, EE, and CO. The analysis method used three-way ANOVA to understand the main effect and the interaction effects by using 2 x 2 x 2 group factor design. The analysis results are as follows: First, Hypothesis 1 was accepted that there was a statistically significant difference in the interaction between gender and employment status. but Hypothesis 2 was rejected because it did not play an adjusting role in the interaction effects of gender and employment status. Secondly, in the comparison results of differences in EE in the interaction effects of gender and employment status by SE, it was revealed that the main effect of gender and employment status was shown significant and that the main effect of SE was not. And only the interaction effects (F=4.079, p<.05) of gender and SE was statistically significant. Hypothesis 3 was rejected. And it was shown that the interaction effects of gender, employment status and SE were significant(F=11.740, p<.01). Accordingly, Hypothesis 4 was accepted because SE played an adjusting role in the interaction effects of gender and employment status. Thirdly, the results have revealed that the main effect of gender, employment status, and SE was shown significant, when compared the differences of CO in the interaction effects of gender and employment status by SE. Hypothesis 5 was accepted. And it was revealed the interaction effects of gender, employment status and SE were significant(F=11.096, p<.01). Accordingly, Hypothesis 6 was accepted because SE played an adjusting role in the interaction effects of gender and employment status. As a result, it can be said that this paper provides the following implications. First, in order to decrease the emotional dissonance which is inevitably following the emotional labor that is required during the service delivery process of call center counselors, the training and program development for self-feeling management are needed. Secondly, it is thought that when selecting call center counselors, the base for hiring the applicants who are high in their SE by giving a SE test can be arranged and emotional exhaustion condition could be solved through SE upgrade training in the call center. Thirdly, it is thought that counselors are required to strengthen customer orientation more themselves so that they can change the awareness of customers and that SE could play an adjusting role in improving customer orientation.