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이 글은 박재삼 초기 시에 나타난 ‘남평문씨’ 부인의 원형적 성격과 구현 양상 분석을 목적으로 한다. 첫 시집『춘향이 마음』에는 주요 여성 인물인 춘향이와 더불어 ‘남평문씨’ 부인이 반복적으로 출현하고 있다. 그동안 춘향이라는 인물에 대해서는 연구사적 조명이 활발하게 이루어졌다. 반면에 ‘남평 문씨’ 연작은 박재삼 초기 시의 여성 인물들 중 한 유형을 차지하고 있으며, 전반적인 시적 정서와도 밀접한 관련을 맺고 있음에도 구체적인 연구가 진행되지 않았다. 이에 이 글은 박재삼이 주체적으로 형상화한 ‘남평문씨’의 성격과 구현 양상 분석을 목적으로 한다. 1장에서는 박재삼 시의 현재성을 살펴보고 있다. 2장에서는 모성적 차원에서의 ‘남평문씨’의 특성을 살펴보았다. 3장에서는 사랑으로 확장되는 ‘남평문씨’의 부재와 슬픔의 동력의 구체적인 세목을 살펴보았다. 4장에서는 모성과 사랑의 혼융 측면에서 ‘남평문씨’의 특수한 문학성을 살펴보았다. 이러한 연구 성과는 박재삼 시세계를 보다 풍부하게 해석하게 하는 데 일조할 것이며, 특히 여성 인물에 대한 다양성을 확보하는 데 기여할 것으로 판단된다.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the archetypal nature and the materialization of 'Ms. Moon of Nampyeong' appeared in early poems by Park Jae-Sam. In this first collection of poems, 'Ms. Moon of Nampyeong' appears repeatedly together with the major female character Chunhyang. So far, the research on the character 'Chunhyang' has been made actively. In the meantime, although the series work 'Ms. Moon of Nampyeong' occupies one pattern of female characters in the early poems by Park Jae-Sam and has a close relation with overall poetic emotion, detailed research has not been made, yet. So, this study was conducted for the purpose of analyzing the nature of 'Ms. Moon of Nampyeong' and the materialization pattern that Park Jae-Sam embodied subjectively. This research achievement is deemed to help interpret the poetic world of Park Jae-Sam more abundantly and particularly, to contribute to securing diverse interpretation on the female characters. To do that, in Chapter 1, the problem regarding the currentness of Park Jae-Sam's poems was raised. While it is considered that 'Chunhyang' in the "Chunhyang's Mind", the first collection of poems, is the character related to the national archetype, 'Ms. Moon of Nampyeong' might be the character according to the creation of subjective archetype by Park Jae-Sam. And in Chapter 2, the nature of 'Ms. Moon of Nampyeong' was examined based on the motherhood'. In the work 'Messy Spirit', a soul when is physically alive is changed into spirit of death, and that spirit revives and disturbs the inside of poetic subject. In chapter 3 'Ms Moon of Nampyeong' from Motherhood to Love', followings are analyzed. Here, what should be emphasized is that the female subject who appears as a character subject to interaction of love, that is, 'Ms. Moon of Nampyeong', appears without voice. In Chapter 4 'Ms. Moon of Nampyeong, the Fusion of Motherhood and Love', the contents are as follows. Since in his poems, the life of the universe and the individual lives have holistic relations, the division of this world and other world is not necessary and the division of the subject and the object does not have any meaning. According to such special temporality, the motherhood and the love reach to the point of fusion. It was confirmed that here, the poetic distinctiveness of Park Jae-Sam is integrated. These research achievements will help interpret the poetic world of Park Jae-Sam more abundantly and particularly, it is deemed to contribute to securing diverse interpretations on the female character. And Further, the follow-up study on the female subjects in the Park Jae-Sam's poems encompassing the early, intermediate and late poems will be expanded to a new horizon in interpreting the Park Jae-Sam's poems.