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Ellipsis is a common linguistic phenomenon, which not only helps to construct cohesion and coherence among sentences in context but also facilitates to highlight new information. Therefore, there is ellipsis in both spoken and written texts. Ellipsis is also an old problem in the study of Chinese and Korean. In the past, Chinese and Korean grammarians mainly focused on the elements omitted and ellipsis types, and less research was done on the comparative study of ellipses in Chinese and Korean. To be concrete, that is almost in a blank state. This paper chooses 2019 New Year's greetings of the two country leaders as the example to get the overall statistics of ellipsis use frequency and intends to find out whether there is difference between Chinese and Korean written language resulted from diversified languages, different thinking styles and cultural distinctions by means of comparing the following three aspects: sentence structure, syntactic component and recall constituent types so as to prove the prevalence of elliptical sentences. Furthermore, not all the ellipsis phenomena are the same. In Chinese President Xi jinping's 2019 New Year's speech, ellipses account for 77%, most of which occur in clauses. It is common to omit time adverbial and subject due to the linguistic context. While in President Moon Jaein's 2019 New Year's speech, 61% of the ellipses take place in the subordinate structure, and it is common to omit the subject due to the situational context.