초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper aims to organize from the time of the introduction of the insurance system in Japan to the present, and to organize the main tasks of the insurance system. The four items were analyzed mainly for the modification of the insurance policy and its tasks in the provision of services, including the increase of the insurance budget and the use of services, the project to support caregivers (adopters) and the reaffirmation of the role of the 4 correctional village. The conclusion of this paper is that although the fundamental part of a change in the 1 insurance system is changing every time the policy is revised, the view that support the entire life of the elderly is important not just to provide "improvement" services, and 2 that family improvement is still a large part of the family care system, and that support for family caregivers is not in place, such It is necessary to identify whether there is, and reaffirm that taking on the final public responsibility in service use is an important role for the municipal government. Finally in this paper, there are several measures to enhance social insurance by improving the operation status of insurance systems in Japan and Korea, first of all, strengthening the diversity and appropriateness of insurance benefits is required. Long-term care services for the elderly should be equipped with a program system for overall quality improvement associated with the lives of the elderly, as well as services such as nursing, bathing and nursing. Second, it is necessary to secure regional balance of insurance facility infrastructure and quality level of service. Third, job security and professionalism of nursing staff are required. Fourth, expansion of treasury support and reduction of principal burden are required. In conclusion, the long-term care insurance system for the elderly is an important social system that responds to the elderly and family problems in the coming aged society. It should always be considered that the policy goal of the system is to improve the quality of life for senior citizens and their families in need of help, to make the service easy to use, to provide quality service as well as possible, and to ensure that the necessary resources are raised evenly and efficiently managed.