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The predicate ‘A 着 點兒’ is used throughout comparisons and statements. Then in this paper, only 'A 着 點兒', which is used as a predicate in comparisons, was studied. We were promised that Of the comparisons, ‘A 着 點兒’ used in the ‘bi(比)’ comparative sentences was called ‘a mark comparison’, and the comparison without the ‘bi(比)’ comparative sentences was called ‘a no-mark comparison’. And after discussing the usage of 'A 着 點兒' in the comparison of marked and unmarked texts, we discussed the characteristics of the noun component that follows 'A+zhe+dianr'. 'zhe(着)' in 'A+zhe+dianr' is an adjective-statement marker that emphasizes temporality. Therefore, the comparison has the characteristic that the temporality stands out. For this reason, the comparison subject and the comparison object are attribute comparisons at different points in time for the comparison of the label, and therefore, the temporal temporality is obvious. This is also shown in the ‘a no-mark comparison’. In case of “A+zhe+dianr” which is not accompanied by any ingredient, the comparisons of different time points are mainly. Because time is prominent in the comparison, a temporal adverb is often accompanied by the predicate ‘A 着 點兒’. If the adverb is accompanied by ‘A+zhe+dianr’, ‘稍微 , 微微’ is used to mean the same as ‘一點兒’, to emphasize the meaning of 一一 兒 in the back, in this case, the comparison result is temporary. Temporal adverb is the most frequently used sentence component with 'A+zhe+dianr'. As a result of comparing the attributes between the comparison subject and the comparison subject based on the comparison time point, usually, temporal adverbs such as '还 , 都' are used. In the case of auxiliary verb, there is an ‘要’ and the term ‘要’ is an adverb that emphasizes subjectivity rather than a verb. Finally, a noun component appears in the empty word after the comparison 'A+zhe+dianr'. All of these are special binaries belonging to the Linking Verb object, according to the classification of Ahyoung, Lee (2018). To look at the features within the comparison,the comparison subject moved behind ‘A+zhe+dianr’,the focus on the predicate moves to a special blank, where the comparator is emphasized in the sentence.