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The choice of the distribution of state power and how to exercise it is a matter of agreement of the political community. If efficient and democratic operation is guaranteed, it will certainly be understood as an improvement, but if the amendment denies their principles, fails to ensure the national interest and development of the amendment as a whole, and rather leads to the prospect of the emergence of uncontrolled state power or political power, this would certainly be perceived as ‘dogged’. It is enough to worry that the Chinese government, which emphasized the rule of law and the rule of law, may backtrack or effectively signal a withdrawal of the rule of law in what it wants to base its establishment on the National Inspection Committee, which is seriously concerned about the damage of the rule of law. In light of the founding principles of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, it is not certain whether the Communist Party’s strengthening of leadership status is taking direction and speed in a balanced manner. Also, considering that the political assessment of the period when the separation principle between the party and the government, which had been used as a principle since the founding of the Communist Party of China, was never positive, artificial insertion of the strengthening of the status of the Communist Party of China into the constitutional regulations would not be an appropriate change in the constitutional order.