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What has been understood from relationship between the Qing dynasty and Vietnam so far is that the significance of Vietnam as a nation to the Qing Dynasty as follows; ① Maintenance the order of tributes, that is, the maintenance of the ritual order in the international scale, ② the significance as a defense line against the invasion of the West. And it was well aware of that the Nguyễn dynasty was claimed to be Empire, and the Qing dynasty did not restrain it. Therefore, it can be said that the Qing dynasty never interfered with the Nguyễn dynasty’s affairs. As long as the Nguyễn dynasty lasted to prevent France from crossing into Chinese territory, the Qing dynasty had no particular interests in Vietnam. But as the existence of the Nguyễn dynasty became at stake, the Qing dynasty determined to intervene when the French advance on the border and chaos of the Nguyễn dynasty became clear. However, the Qing dynasty’s involvement in the Vietnam issues did not proceed as intended due to the defeats in the naval battles such as Mawei(馬尾) and an external change as the Gapsin Revolution in Joseon in 1884.  Consequently, one of the enormous features of the Qing dynasty’s policy toward Vietnam is that the system of the tribute, installation and treaty did not contradicted or excluded.