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Because South Korea is located on the East Asian-Australian Flyway, it is important phenologically as a stopover site for a variety of migratory birds that travel long distances between breeding and wintering grounds. In addition, uninhabited islands along the coast are used for breeding by various waterbirds, which frequently go on foraging trips to feed offspring. For these reasons, as birds may collide with offshore wind farms while flying, or be disturbed during the construction or operation of wind farms, we discussed in this study the necessity of bird monitoring that should occur before the construction of offshore wind farms to minimize potential impacts on birds and help to locate proper construction sites. Monitoring methods were classified into bird diversity survey, spatial distribution survey and migration survey, and each can be divided into aerial, ship-based and land-based surveys according to survey location and means. In the migration survey, trackers and radar can be used for accurate and detailed data collection. Basically, the point census method and line transect method can both be used for monitoring and bird species, number of individuals, observation location and time should be recorded. The data collected from bird monitoring can be used as the basis for the site selection of wind farms.