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현대러시아어서 구절전치사는 양적으로 증가하고 있다. 이에 대해서 [본원전치사 +명사] 형태의 구절전치사를 의미적으로 조명한다. 언어의 보편적 현상인 문법화, 그리고 현대 러시아어의 특징인 분석적 경향에 촛점을 맞추어 분석하고 있다.

This paper studies the formation of complex prepositions and the mechanism of degree to which a noun in the phrasal preposition may be considered as grammaticalized. It has been pointed out that grammaticalization is very active in modern Russian within prepositional system and this paper explains the degree of grammaticalization by means of function and form of the phrase prepositions. The main aim of this study is to show the meaning change process of noun and primary prepositions and grammaticalization mechanism of noun into prepositions in the form of the phrase prepositions [primary preposition + noun] in Modern Russian. The analysis reveals that formation of phrasal prepositions are accompanied by a grammaticalization process of noun and also examines the desemanticalisation of the core Noun and the primary preposition within the phrase preposition. The meaning change process of noun in phrasal prepositions: full lexical meaning → nominal modifier with partially emptied meaning → prepositional use with primary preposition expressing relations to the modificand. The analysis of corresponding constructions in modern Russian some nouns demonstrate more advanced in grammaticalization process than others, and some are still evolving. This paper approaches phrase prepositions as prepositional-nominal set expressions, grammaticalizations and analytic tendency in modern Russian. It investigates the overall prepositional-nominal set expressions system of modern Russian from a grammaticalization and analytic tendency perspective in modern Russian. It suggests that grammaticalization, lexeme formation and analytic tendency of modern Russian must be considered as a connected processes, not distinctive. In the paper we can identify the grammaticalization channels peculiar to prepositional units and enlighten the active grammaticalization process and the increasing analytic structure in the area which very significant for paying attention to considerable changes in modern Russian prepositions as a category.