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본 논문은 십계명(출 20:1-17)에 대한 중국어 성서와 한국어 성서 번역의 차이점과 공통점을 비교 분석하고자 한다. 십계명 번역과 관련하여 가장 논쟁적인 주제는 ‘하나님 칭호’이다. 히브리어 ‘엘로힘’(~yhil{a/)은 번역본에 따라 신(神), 천주(天主), 상제(上帝), 하나님으로, ‘야웨’(hw"hy>)는 여호와(耶和华), 상주(上主), 주(主), 여호와로 번역되었다.

This study will focus on the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments played an important role in the translation process of the Chinese Bible and Korean Bible. When there was not active in the mission using texts, the Ten Commandments were loved by many Christians as the favorite text expressing their rule of Christian life. I will compare the Ten Commandments in various Chinese Bible versions and Korean Bible versions to see how the interpretation was made. Their interpretation was dynamic by time periods, characters, or translation rules. The original meaning of the Ten Commandments was also differently applied in East Asian culture. I will study the different understanding of the words in various versions. Moreover, my focus will be on the differences between the Chinese Bible and the Korean Bible. As a Chinese scholar, it is meaningful to study the comparison of the versions in the different intentions. The question of how the Korean Bible accepted the Chinese Bible is also important for the Korean scholars. The first through fourth commandments show many variations among the Bible versions; there are not specific differences in the fifth through tenth commandments in relation to human life. The first part overall has longer sentences than the others, and the difficult theological concepts and interpretations typically made for different interpretations. There is a saying that the work of the translation of the Bible is adventure and treason. The language differences exist in all the translation tasks and no one can stop changes. The changes and editorial works are so important as these tasks provide continuous extensions of the Bible. There will be no exact word in the translation process. Translators just seek to find a most preferable word. This process was the same in the translation from Hebrew to Greek. There would be additions and subtractions, even alterations. The coherences and discords in this process may be natural. Rather, the translators should consider which words were most comparable to their society. Whenever the Bible is translated into other versions, there will be an effort to find the possibility from the impossibility.