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This paper examines Victor Frankenstein’s creature in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein with a view to establishing his humanity, as opposed to the prevalent considerations of this being as subhuman, non-human and even inhumane. To this end, this paper scrutinizes multifarious abilities and traits displayed and developed by this creature that may be considered characteristic of human beings. Frankenstein’s creation observes and learns spoken language much as an infant would, listening to and imitating the trends and sounds he hears. He deciphers written words and in examining literature and historical texts, expands his understanding to the intangible and unknowable realms of death and the divine as well as acquiring an appreciation of culture and society. He empathizes with loving relationships, grieves his separation from them and displays reason and sentience as he negotiates with his own creator. Thus, this paper posits that although Frankenstein’s creature may be considered monstrous in appearance, he is nonetheless a human being.