초록 열기/닫기 버튼
The purpose of this study is to find the current state of Korean language education in Korea Immigration and Integration Program(KIIP) of Ministry of Justice, to compare with language education programs for the social integration of immigrants in developed countries, including Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Australia, and France, and to propose an improvement plan of Korean language education. To achieve that, this researcher analyzed relevant works, collected the data provided at the immigration and social integration website of each country, and compared with Korean language education in the KIIP in the categories of participants of language education program, education steps and education system, program completion hours and evaluation method. As the comparative analysis, this study proposes the improvement plan of Korean language program, which includes the expansion of education hours of each step of the program, the design of the curriculum in consideration of various types of immigrants, the tuition for immigrants’ active class participation, the improvement in program completion conditions, and diversification of educational operation methods. This study is meaningful in the point that it suggested the improvement plan of Korean language education in the KIIP through the broad analysis of the comparison with foreign cases.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Korea Immigration and Integration Program, Social Integration, Language Education Program, Immigrants, Education Step