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The purpose of this study is to investigate of learning motivations experienced by children of North Korean defectors born in China in the process of learning Korean. For this purpose, the investigator conducted an in-depth interview with them through semi-structured questionnaires. Collected data was analyzed to the consensual qualitative research methodology and the data analysis results were used to identify four large areas, 11 central areas, and 36 categories. The findings were summarized as follows: first, the children of North Korean defectors that were born in China had different patterns of motivations to learn Korean according to the passage of time and changes to their surrounding environment. Secondly, the motivation to learn Korean was the most important element in their adjustment to life in South Korea. Thirdly, the strategies they employed to maintain their learning motivations for Korean differed according to their Korean proficiency and individual environments. This study is significant in that it examined the motivations to learn Korean among children of North Korean defectors that were born in China, providing major implications meaningful for Korean language education.