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In Julius Caesar Shakespeare deals with the dynamic world changing from Roman Republic to Roman Empire. Caesar is a powerful political-military leader, who is living within the overestimated image of a supreme emperor, concealing his identity of the private man of Caesar. Roman people need the Caesar’s powerful image, Caesarism, in the day of the political social instability turning from Republic to Empire. Brutus and republicans diagnose and judge Roman political world as the tyranny of Caesar and try to murder Caesar. The most important heart of their intention is to attract Brutus’ mind and interest to the plan of their conspiracy and make use of the name of Brutus, who is a symbol of honour, liberty, and duty of Rome. For their purpose, the first action of Cassius and Casca is to become a Brutus’ mirror each other. they are is compelled to judge Caesar as the tyrannical emperor through their mirrors. Also, Brutus is aware of the past of Rome as a living organism, which is a source of duty and responsibility in Rome. But Brutus is lacking in the realistic judgement ability and has no a political practical-strategy. In this situation Brutus can't help participate in the action of Caesar’s assassination. Finally, Brutus’s idealism and stoicism will be threatened and disappeared.