초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper is a compilation of surveys and interviews to clarify the values of Japanese residents living in Korea, especially the consciousness of education, in other countries. The survey was conducted between February 8 and March 15, 2019, and 119 parts were collected. The paper consists of eight questions, including the main language of a family, the need for native languages (Japanese) at home and where children go to school. In particular, we put the nationality of the child into a question, and tried to find out what the identity of the child is related to the educational consciousness. In addition, interviews were conducted for about three hours per person over two days from April 13 to 14, 2019. To summarize the results, First, they mainly use Korean at home. They strongly feel the need for Japanese language education as an inherit word, but they wish they could learn Japanese at a middle level or higher. They want their children to go on to study and work in Korea, so they want their students to have educational backgrounds to college graduates. The current nationality of the children and the future child were also Korean. Second, there is not much difference in educational values by age. Rather, there is a correlation between students and employment and nationality based on “sex,” “marriage or not,” “residential place,” “Status of Residence,” “main language” and “residential history.” In other words, an unmarried man living in the metropolitan area, who has not lived in Korea for a long time selects Japan.