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Even though human resources are really important in hotel industry, the accelerated environmental changes and irregular working environment have caused not only health problems and imbalances in work-life but disputes between labor and management, as well as individual inner conflicts. This study empirically verified the structural relations between work-life balance, subjective well-being, job engagement, and presenteeism of hotel employees. Completing the questionnaire based on preceding researches to verify the hypotheses, the survey was conducted targeting employees currently working at four & five star hotels in Seoul for a year or longer, with the use of convenience sampling. The collected data was analyzed by using SPSS, AMOS. In order to understand the general characteristics and job-related characteristics of research subjects, the frequency analysis was conducted. To evaluate the internal consistency between each measurement items, and also to secure the reliability and validity of measuring tools, the confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis were performed. Also, to verify the hypotheses of this study, the structural equation model was used for analysis.