초록 열기/닫기 버튼

전 조선인의 황민화를 가장 급선무로 삼았던 태평양전쟁시기, 일제의 식민지교육은 만세일계로 이어져 온 황국의 역사인식에 의한 일체감과 피교육자의 충의적 행동을 유발할 수 있도록 진력했다. 때문에 다소 이례적인 장르라 할 수 있는 운문(韻文, 和歌)을 역사서사의 극적인 장면에 배치하여 교육적 효과를 극대화하고 있었다. 특정 역사적 사건의, 그것도 가장 극적인 장면에서 발휘하는 와카의 교육적 효과는 실로 상당했을 것으로 여겨진다. 일본ㆍ일본인에게 있어 와카가 주는 의미나 파급력도 그렇겠지만, 일본역사의 진행 과정에서 큰 고비로 여겨지는 시점에 투입된 와카의 효과는 더 말할 나위도 없을 것이다. 이렇듯 효용성을 내포하고 있었기에, 그 효용성에 의한 역사교육의 결과가 식민지 조선아동의 역사관으로 각인되어 당시 천황을 위해 죽음도 불사하려는 마음가짐이 형성되었고, 그 잔영이 전후의 국가건설이나 후세의 교육에까지 반영되어 이어오지 않았나 싶은 것이다.

During the Pacific War, Japan strived to nationalize all Koreans for their troops. This was done intensively in the education sector. Therefore, the colonial history education maximized the educational effect by appropriating 'poetry(Waka)' which can be called an unusual genre to history narrative, and also to the most dramatic scenes of history progression properly. The educational effects of Waka in certain historical events and most dramatic scenes, are thought to have been substantial. It goes without saying that Waka’s effect at that time when it is considered a major crisis in the Japanese history, as well as its meaning and impact on the Japanese. Because it has this effectiveness, the result of the history education based on its content greatly influenced the view of the history of the colonial children, and the desire to die for the emperor at that time was formed. Since then, it seems that the remnants of the project have been reflected in the construction of the nation or education of the future generations.

朝鮮総督府の初等歴史教育において最も重要な目的は、何よりも皇国歴史観の認識にあったと思わられる。このために教科目の特性上、異例とも言える「和歌」を所々にあげる叙述方式を使いこなしているということである。特に太平洋戦争の時期の歷史敎科書には、その殆んどが「神國に対する自矜心」「天皇家に対する正統性」「天皇(=國家)に対する無限の忠誠」を追求する内容であった。それが歷史敎科書の適材適所に配置されつつ、教育的な効果を最大化していたことが分かる。 万世一系の天皇家の歴史を重視する日本の歴史と、神代より歌われてきたと伝えられる和歌の力学的な相関性は、決して排除することができないだろう。それだけに近代日本の支配層の歴史観の確立に大きく貢献されたと推定される。このような考え方が、日帝强占期の朝鮮植民地の歴史教育にもそのまま反映されつつあって、植民地児童の皇国史観の形成に大きく作用されつつあったことは言うまでもないだろう。

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

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Japanese History, History of the Waka, The history education of the colonies, The pacific war

During the Pacific War, Japan strived to nationalize all Koreans for their troops. This was done intensively in the education sector. Therefore, the colonial history education maximized the educational effect by appropriating 'poetry(Waka)' which can be called an unusual genre to history narrative, and also to the most dramatic scenes of history progression properly. The educational effects of Waka in certain historical events and most dramatic scenes, are thought to have been substantial. It goes without saying that Waka’s effect at that time when it is considered a major crisis in the Japanese history, as well as its meaning and impact on the Japanese. Because it has this effectiveness, the result of the history education based on its content greatly influenced the view of the history of the colonial children, and the desire to die for the emperor at that time was formed. Since then, it seems that the remnants of the project have been reflected in the construction of the nation or education of the future generations.