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In this paper, I examined the relative ratio of key words found in Korean and Japanese classical literature databases. I also analyzed Chinese classical and Buddhist scriptures as auxiliary databases. I examined the relative proportions of related key words of 19 groups. As a result, the following facts were found. It turned out that two patterns exist. One case is from Buddhist scriptures to Chinese classical literature, Korean classical literature and Japanese classical literature, the relative proportions gradually increase. Western low Eastern high. The other case is opposite. Western high Eastern low. These tendencies are considered to be closely related to familiarity in each country of the key words. Next, there are two pattern, one is that certain key words share a common frequency, the other is that certain key words show the opposite trend to other regions and countries of East Asia. Of the 19 key words groups, it is 13 that showed the universal relative ratio, or the special relative ratio. In addition, as we went in the east or west direction, there are eight groups that showed a tendency that specific key words would go up or down. Among them, there were 6 key words in which the relative ratio increased or decreased as we went from West to East.