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In this study, based on the surveys of demanded materials in occupational environments from oversea Korean companies, we performed a fundamental research of designing business Korean curriculums. The surveys were performed to 283 people across Korean lecturers, Korean supervisors, native managers and employees, and prospective employees to Korean companies. The followings were concluded as the result. First, with consideration of operating status for Korean curriculums in each King Sejong Institute, the duration of business Korean curriculums should be 10 or 12 weeks, 2 or 3 classes per week, and 90 or 120 minutes per class. Second, the most popular responses of required minimum Korean level for performing tasks was intermediate. Hence, it is necessary to design curriculums to achieve intermediate in Korean proficiency. Third, Korean skills that were often used in business tasks were listening, speaking, reading, and writing in that order. Hence, the curriculums should put more focuses on listening and speaking. Fourth, business Sejong Korean curriculum steps should be developed so that students can start the classes after finishing the beginning courses. Fifth, while developing syllabus, functions and tasks of business situations should be centered instead of learning vocabularies or grammar.