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안경은 복합적 기술과 지식의 산물로 다양한 물산을 병합한 결과물이지만 특히 유리 제작 기술의 발달과 밀접한 관계가 있다. 중국은 고대부터 독자적인 유리 제작 방법이 있었다. 그러나 중국의 납유리는 불투명해서 안경렌즈에 합당하지는 않았다. 송대 중국에는 광학지식과 함께 아랍의 유리제품이 대량으로 유입되었다. 10세기 무렵 인도양 교류 네트워크를 장악했던 아랍은 수정과 같은 맑고 내구성 있는 유리제품의 제작과 수출에서 독보적인 지위를 점하였다. 아랍이 유리 제작에서 이룬 성과는 인도 혹은 벵골 등으로 연결되는 문명권역과의 교류에서 확보된 자산이었다. 붕사의 유통과 관련하여 주목되는 곳은 사천과 운남, 티벳 등지이지만 이러한 기술을 활용하여 유리 제작 기술을 주도한 것은 아랍이었다. 아랍은 유리 제작에서 붕사를 활용하여 유리의 내구성과 투명도를 높였다. 독일어로 안경을 의미하는 브릴러(brille)라는 말은 그리스어 베릴로스(Beryllos), 아랍어 Billur(水晶) 등 녹주석의 보석 이름에서 전화한 것으로 보이지만 아랍의 유리로 알려진 玻璃(bori)나 붕사(borax) 역시 독일어 브릴러의 어원과 관계가 있었다. 파리나 왜납 등의 유리 제품들의 보급과 함께 인도양 곳곳에서는 유리 관련 공통의 용어들이 사용되었다. 이것은 13세기 해양과 육상이 광범위하게 연결되면서 나타난 현상이었다. 상품과 정보의 에너지에 추동되고 움직이는 이 광역적 문명공간이 ‘인도양 무역 네트워크’에 의해 출현한 ‘인도양 세계’이며 이 공간이 바로 안경이 제작된 요람이었다.

We have been focusing on identifying where the center of eyeglasses manufacturing technology was through bibliographical information. However, eyeglasses are results of converging complicated technologies and knowledge with diverse materials. Due to the complexity, when they are manufactured on the spot, materials to be acquired and technological limits should be considered. When they are simply copied, they reflect regional characteristics and can not be faithful to their original functions as they have peculiar shapes and mass. Therefore, to identify the center of eyeglasses manufacturing, this study considered technological information relating to composition and general conditions including manufacturing of glass as a material of lens, and classified and examined glass manufacturing, development of optics, use of lens, and problems on eyeglasses manufacturing based on Chinese historical records. China had independent culture in glass manufacturing. However, as its lead glass was opaque, it was not suitable for lens of eyeglasses. Arabia had a special technology of glass manufacturing. It was that borax can make glass have more durability. The achievements of the Arab glass production would have been the assets gained from the interaction with civilizations linked to India or Bengal. Sichuan, Yunnan, India and Southeast Asia formed a special culture in the distribution of borax and the production of glass. Having dominated the Indian Ocean network, the Arabs were able to absorb extra information in glass making. Arabic glass manufacturing technology at that time deserves attention in that glass that was used for eyeglasses making must have high transparency and endure usual shocks. ‘Brille’ that meas lens of eyeglasses or spectacles in German was evolved from ‘Beryllos’ in Greek, Billur in Arabic or Balungr and Beryl in Hindi. Beryllos or Beryl is a rough stone of beryllium(element number 4) and indicates variants of all colors except emerald green and aquamarine blue in beryl variants. However, in addition to beryl, ‘bori(玻璃)’, which was one of the kinds of glass in medieval China, can also be a source of ‘Brille’. ‘bori(玻璃)’ products were made of special glass with high transparency from Arabia and India. Although sodium glass had more transparency than lead glass of China, eyeglasses made of Billur which was made in India and Arabia and called pseudo-crystal in Arabia had much more strength and durability than sodium glass. It seems that glass products made in Arabia were called crystal in the East and the West and had a specially dominant position in eyeglasses making.