초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper reviews existing studies on designing sub-components of test items to assess Korean pragmatics competence for KSL(Korean as a second language) or KFL(Korean as a foreign language) learners, particularly focusing on defining and selecting context variables, speech acts/functions, discourse components, and test items. Assessing second or foreign language pragmatic competence has been one of the underestimated areas but now it is one of the fastest growing areas of ESL or EFL assessments. However, it is still an underestimated or underdeveloped area in KSL or KFL assessment. Even though teaching and learning Korean pragmatic competence has gained a larger attention and it has produced a larger amount of studies, assessing Korean pragmatic is relatively a less activated field. Therefore, this paper aims to preferentially make suggestions on basic and fundamental issues for developing assessment tools for Korean interlanguage pragmatics such as variables, functions, and discourse and test items. To achieve this goal, this paper will widely research the cases of other language assessment and suggest the method to design sub-components of test items for assessing Korean pragmatic components based on what is found by means of other research.