초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study aims to explore the direction of the development of local cultural content in Korea by introducing content tourism and studying the successful cases that have contributed to regional revitalization in Japan. Japanese animation content tourism is already gaining popularity around the world and it has been influencing cultural content and local economic revitalization through secondary synergy effects. Japanese animation content will continue to be developed in various forms even after the end of the year. In reference to the development of local content associated with the revitalization of a region in accordance with the efforts of the local community , the following suggestions should be considered. First, attention should be given to community efforts and communication to revitalize the region. In the case of Lucky Star, it is no exaggeration to say that the writers, local business associations, and fans from the region have created new content through effective communication. This successful case has led to the development of secondary content derived from the primary content. If local content is linked with content development through continuous communication, it will lead to more diverse contents as well as the expansion of new economic activity. Second, it should be noted that there is a content production company based in the region, and educational facilities for human resource development is at the center of regional content development. Both Kyoto Animation Co., Ltd. and P.A. Works are based in local communities, not large metropolitan areas. In addition, the development of future content specialists suggests that there is a focus on the future development of contents for regional revitalization. This process began with a fundamental reflection on local content development, and it is thought that it is possible to develop more meaningful content in the future. Third, it is necessary that the views of the existing local culture not be limited. It is important to expand upon local content and increase the recognition of that content The case of the Bonbori Festival exemplifies the revitalization of the region can be realized by reproducing the imaginary festival in animation, not the traditional festival as it has been experienced in the past, but by transforming the idea. This will provide a basis for forming a unique local character over the long term, and it will likely enhance the competitive nature of the process.