초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper aims to define the function of the ‘ul/lul’ in a passive construction. The ‘ul/lul’ in passive construction can be found to be highly transitive based on having affectedness and passing some syntactic tests. This shows that the ‘ul/lul’ in passive construction is an accusative case. The function of this ‘ul/lul’ is pragmatics. Generally, the accusative case ‘ul/lul’ functions as a syntagmatic focus on the pragmatic level. But the function of ‘ul/lul’ in the passive construction is a paradigmatic focus an along with a syntagmatic focus. The reason why they can function as a paradigmatic focus is that the subject of the passive construction and the noun phrase ‘ul/lul’ have a semantically close relation. The ‘ul/lul’ noun phrase in passive construction can only come from factors that have a semantically close relation with the subject of the passive construction. This results in a list of ‘ul/lul’ noun phrases being formed as an alternative set and a paradigmatic focus.