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In this paper, I examined the political history of Mongol empire, centering on the political upheaval that occurred in the first year of Zhishun(1330). This event was recorded very briefly in Yuanshi(元史), so many scholars did not pay attention to this historical event. But, this conspiracy has an important meaning in that it was a case that reflects the politics of late Yuan(Mongol) empire formed after the civil war between two capitals(兩都內戰). Wenzong(文宗) and El-Temür(燕鐵木兒) suppressed conspiracy quickly and decisively, resulting in the further strengthening of El-Temür’s political influence. In other words, through the suppression of coup of the first year of Zhishun, El-Temür was to have stabilized power. Meanwhile, Huizong(惠宗) Toγon-Temür could only be crowned after El-Temür died. In the early days of his reign, Huizong could not control the excessive power of powerful vassal, so emperor could not establish his own position. In 1340, Huizong drove away powerful vassal Bayan(伯顏) and tried to establish emperor’s authority. As a part of this plan, Huizong completely overturned the evaluation of conspiracy occurred in the first year of Zhishun. Those who participated in the conspiracy were now recognized as loyalists rather than traitors. In the meantime, Huizong basically denied an era that began with the ascension of Wenzong and ended with the expulsion of Bayan.