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Researches on Wei-suo(衛所) system and Liaodong(遼東) in the ming was many aspects of research that are limited to the Liaodong itself. The geographical, military, and economic constraints of the Liaodong explain how the bureaucratic regime has changed. Hongwu emperor(洪武帝) tried to govern the Ming by establishing a centralized ruling system based on the emperor in the chaotic period, which was replaced by the Ming from Yuan(元). As a part of the ruling system, Hongwu emperor established an administrative system with the emperor as the peak, and refined the official system including the Emperor's document. In order to efficiently control the Ming composed of vast territories and various powers, Hongwu emperor imitated the system of the Yuan and provided a postal delivery system for the propagation and reporting of the Emperor's orders. The Liadong was dominated by Liao-yang Branch Secretariats(遼陽行省) during the Yuan Dynasty, but in reality it was a region where various forces such as Mongolia(蒙古), Jurchen(女眞), Khitan(契丹), Goryo(高麗) and Han(漢族) were present. In particular, the proximity to Goryo and the large number of Goryo dynasties emigrated from the Liadong were closely related to Goryo. This close relationship was also the cause of Koryo's relationship with Yuan Dynasty during the period of replacing Yuan with Ming. Emperor Hong-wu, who established certain achievements of the Yuan Dynasty and the ruling system of the emperor internally, promoted the full-scale governing Liadong from the 20th year of Hong-wu. He suppressed the Yuan Dynasty and continued to pursue a policy of conciliation against the Jurchen living in the east of the Liadong. However, the fundamental limitation of the governing Liadong was that rule of military government center of Liadong Regional Military Commission(遼東都司) was deceitful, such as conciliating the Jurchen and awarding office. This was not direct control, but indirect control, which made it impossible to secure the stability of government. The reason for the limited governance centered on the Liadong Regional Military Commission of emperor Hong-wu originated from the international recognition of emperor Hong-wu. In the meantime, he took a jurisdiction over the Liadong and the Jurchen and pushed for a coercive policy of diplomatic pressure on Joseon by causing a conflict with newly established Joseon. However, after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Hong-wu expanded or changed the bureaucratic regime in consideration of the whole Ming Dynasty, military and financial situation, if the military government was established and carried out in terms of the central and local governance.