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The purpose of this paper is to examine the relative importance of each determinant of individualism and developed a Hofstede's individualism determinants model to predict the actual scores of countries since there are some limitations in terms of predicting cultural change without an accurate analysis of the determinants of individualism. Among the various determinants that previous studies suggested, it was found that GDP, technology, language and climate were the most important determinants. Previous studies used different measurements for even similar determinants. These different ways of measuring determinants may effect the predictability and accuracy of the actual scores of individualism. Among the various predictive models, it was found that the predictive model using GDP per capita, ethnicity fractionalization, language fractionalization and temperature most correctly predict the actual scores of Hofstede's individualism. The Hofstede culture model includes only 24 of the 57 Islamic countries. From MNCs (Multinational Corporations) standpoint, surveys can be conducted on these countries. However many methodological problems arise. Therefore, by using prediction models, it is possible for MNCs to predict the scores of Islamic countries and establish management practices that are appropriate for the culture.