초록 열기/닫기 버튼


This study examines the relationship between The value types and The security & unification perception of college students. This study was conducted through a survey by 902 students at 14 different colleges in Korea. The surveys were collected in March fifth to twentieth 2013, and the empirical test was conducted by SPSS 18. The summary of the research findings is as follows. 1. Postmaterialist value tend to be more internalized in college students than others, but it hasn't proliferated. 2. Major variables effect on college students' value types are gender and political ideology. 3. In the relationship between The value types and The security & unification perception, Materialist value prefer to Strong security inclination rather than Strong unification inclination but Postmaterialist value has opposite result. Based on this study, Difference of people's perception on security and unification can make a value conflict. Thus, the government should build a national consensus before making security and unification policy. Due to college students' poor interest in security and unification, more education opportunity is needed to increase college students' security and unification perception. Making harmony both security and unification, Security perception should be expanded to include unification process. To meet value changes and conflict resolution actively, the education chance of value conflict resolution is needed.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Value Changes, Value Types, Consciousness on National Unification-Security, Preference of Security-Unification.