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이 논문은 전자문서 및 전자화문서에 대해 규정하고 있는 관련 법률과 그에 따라 발생되고 있는 문제점을 살펴보고 경찰이 실무상에서 작성한 진술조서, 피의자신문조서 등의 전자문서와 참고인 등 수사 협조자가 제출한 증거서류를 전자적으로 처리한 전자화문서의 문서성에 대해 고찰하였다. 또한 현행 법률하에서 종이로 작성된 수사서류를 전자(화)문서로 대체하는 방안을 제안하였다. 형사사법정보시스템에서 유통되는 전자문서 및 전자화문서가 문서로서의 증거능력을 공고히 하기 위해서는 첫째, 전자문서의 전자서명이 현행과 같이 경찰관이 작성하여 전자서명하고, 둘째, 참고인, 피해자, 피의자에 대한 조서에 확인자의 서명 날인을 공인인증서를 통한 전자서명하는 방식으로 개선해야 하며, 종이문서를 전자화문서로 변환하는 경우에도 제출자인 민원인의 공인인증서를 통한 전자서명을 하도록 제도를 개선해야 한다. 셋째, 전자화문서의 증거능력에 대해서는 전자화문서의 작성 절차 및 방법에 관한 규정(과학기술정보통신부고시 제2017-7호)과 전자화문서 작성시설 또는 장비 인증기준 세부사항 규정(지식경제부고시 제2012-67호)에 따른 시설완비 및 교육 이수 등이 준수되도록 하여야 한다. 넷째, 전자문서 및 전자화문서를 종이문서와 동일한 효력을 인정하는 형사법의 검토 및 해석이 필요하다. 향후 형사사법절차에 있어 전자(화)문서가 종이문서와 동일한 효력을 인정받아 더 이상 종이문서를 생산하지 않게 되기를 바란다.

This paper takes a look at the related law that has been regulating regarding the electronic documents and the electronization documents and the problems that have been taking place because of it. And it had considered the evidential documents that were submitted by the investigation cooperator, including the electronic documents of the records of the statements, the protocol of the examination of the suspect, etc., that had been written in terms of the practical affairs by the police, the testifier, etc. regarding the documentability regarding the electronically-handled, electronization documents. Also, it had been intended to propose an improvement plan as an alternative regarding what must be done in order to abolish the investigation documents that had been written on paper under the current law. In order to solidify the evidential capabilities of the electronic documents and the electronization documents that are distributed in the criminal justice information system as the documents, firstly, the electronic mission of an electronic document must be written and electronically signed by a police officer as currently carried out. Secondly, regarding the signing and sealing by the person confirming in the police report regarding the testifier, the victim, and the suspect, the system shall be improved by having the electronic signature put in through the official certificate. Also, in the case of converting the paper documents into the electronized documents, too, the system shall be improved so that the electronic signatures through the official certificate of the civil petitioner, who is the submitter, can be done. Thirdly, regarding the evidential capabilities of the electronized documents, the furnishing of the facility, the completion of the education, etc. that result from the Regulations on the Procedure and the Method of Writing an Electronized Document (No. 2017-7, the announcement of the Ministry of Science and ICT) and the Regulations on the Electronized Documents Writing Facility or the Detailed Matters of the Equipment Certifying Standard (No. 2012-67, the announcement of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy) must be abided by. Fourthly, the examination and the interpretation that recognize the same effectiveness of the electronic documents and the electronization documents as the paper documents are needed. I hope that, in the future, with regard to the criminal justice procedure, by having the electronic (electronized) documents receive the recognition of the effectiveness that is the same as the paper documents, the paper documents will not be produced any more.