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Brain donation has helped researchers and doctors to better understand the pathophysiology of disease, and it is also a key procedure in the research on treatment and prevention of brain diseases. However, it is known that various factors such as personal environment, social cognition, and attitude affect the brain donation decision. The purpose of this study is to investigate perception about brain donation and to figure out affecting factors of the brain donation in Korean community. From October to November 2017, 411 community residents were enrolled in this study. A designed questionnaire was used to analyze the perception and affecting factors of brain donation. Among the 411 participants, only 31 participants (7.5%) were aware of brain donation. After providing the correct information through the questionnaire, we were able to observe a positive change in the recognition of brain donation. In addition, factors including ‘for helping others’, ‘social contribution by promoting brain research’, and ‘for medical development’ have been found to affect positive attitude. This study found education and providing detailed information about brain donation was insufficient. And it also figured out accurate information would contribute to a positive change of the recognition about brain donation. Therefore, in order to invigorate culture of brain donation, it is necessary to provide more detailed information and education related to the results on positive and negative perception about brain donation.