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Objective: The aim of this research is to find out if the e-health program has been of a help to the increase of the muscular strength and the muscular endurance of the test-takers who have been preparing for the practical test of the examination for the entry into a physical education college as an auxiliary means. Method: For this, with the 30 test-takers who had been carrying out the exercise for over 3 months at the G organization for preparing for the examination for the entry into a physical education-affiliated college that is located in the S City as the subjects, by randomly dividing into the group for the practical college entrance examination program which had been carrying out the e-health program at the same time (n=10, 19.00±0.00 v, BMI: 22.73±1.77), the group for the practical program for the college entrance examination (n=10 persons, 19.00±0.00 years, BMI: 23.27±1.32), and the control group (n=10, 19.00±0.00 years, BMI: 23.17±1.31), the research had been carried out for 40 minutes each time for 3 times a week for 4 weeks. Results: The significant differences between the groups were shown (F=3.804, p<0.05). And the pushups, too, showed the significant difference (F=4.939, p<0.05). As a result of the one-way ANOVA of the abdominal, muscular strength, which is a variable of the muscular strength, the significant differences between the groups were shown (F=6.035, p<0.01). And the grasping power, too, showed the significant differences between the groups (F=15.875, p<0.001). Conclusions: If I try putting together such results, as an auxiliary means for the practical program for the admission into a physical education-affiliated department, it was proven that the e-health program triggers the interest of the test-takers, increases the amount of the physical activity even more, becomes of a help to the improvements of the muscular strength and the muscular endurance, and contributes to the promotion of the health.Abstract must be written in English. The abstract of 100 to 250 words should appear at the beginning of the manuscript. Six significant key words should follow the abstract to aid indexing. The text should be typed doublespaced on one side of the page. The maximum length for the manuscript is 8 pages. All tables and illustrations should be written in English, and be numbered consecutively.