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This paper looked at Su Tung’s novel The Sparrow Story from the perspective of the character’s guilt. The work shows the events caused by teenagers‘ impulse and desire, and the lives of the decade or so, combined with the realities of early capitalism in China. In addition, show the direct and indirect factors affecting the formation of personal guilt and talk about the question of whether it is possible to overcome it. On the other hand, the suffering that has passed through the process of growth shows them what scars they have left, how they become the source of guilt, and what results. Bao Run’s sense of responsibility for the suffering of others, Liu Sheng’s lack of empathy, responsibility ethics with only a sense of duty, and Xian Nϋ’s anxiety and fear, both recognize her own mistakes and in some way, It is one aspect of trying to catch. And their sense of guilt suppresses their inner life and leads to behavior in a way that fundamentally reforms the relationship between them. In this process, he reveals the sin of tying another person for his own benefit, and shows that moral negligence is a pathological manifestation facing the people of the street. The water tower is a clear symbol for this. It is a place where the suffering of the victim ‘s fiancee and the perpetrators of Bao Run and Liu Sheng’s violence cross each other and the desires of the world overlap. The fact that the place where the sins of the three main characters originated is a place of praying for the wealth and comfort of the individual means both deferred debt, hidden sin, moral retardation and mental decadence at the same time.