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천도교 혁신파 지도자 오지영이 쓴 『동학사』와 천도교 신파 지도자 이돈화가 쓴 『천도교창건사』는 각각 천도교 혁신파와 신파가 추구하고 또한 걸었던 궤적이 반영된 교사이다. 오지영은 동학사의 계승성을 강조했으나, 이돈화는 동학사를 천도교의 전사(前史)로 이해했다. 오지영은 동학농민전쟁의 혁명성을 강조했지만, 이돈화는 손병희의 문명개화노선의 정당성을 부각했다. 오지영은 동학농민전쟁에 참여한 천도교 원로로서 동학 적통 의식을 갖고 있었고 동학에 기반하여 서양에 대응해야 한다는 동도주의를 지향했다. 이돈화는 천도교청년회 간부로 활약했던 중견 지도자로서 천도교 적통 의식을 갖고 있었으며 동학 사상의 근대화・서양화를 지향했다. 이와 같은 두 사람의 행보는 『동학사』와 『천도교창건사』의 동학 역사 서술에 고스란히 반영되었다.

Dong’hak-sa, or “History of Dong’hak,” written by Oh Ji-yeong who pursued the renovation of the Cheondo-gyo order, and Cheondo-gyo Chang’geon-sa, or “Origin of Cheondo-gyo,” written by Yi Don-hwa who was the leader of the New wave sect, were all books about the history of the Cheondo-gyo order, as well as differing reflections of what these sects respectively pursued and tried to tread. While Oh Ji-yeong put an emphasis upon the linear nature of Dong’hak and the ‘continuity’ between Dong’hak and Cheondo-gyo, Yi Don-hwa considered the history of Dong’hak as rather a ‘previous chapter’ in the history of Cheondo-gyo. While Oh tended to argue the revolutionary nature of the Dong’hak Peasantry war, Yi instead highlighted Son Byeong-hi’s famous argument of pursuing civilized enlightenments. Oh Ji-yeong was one of the elders of the Cheondo-gyo order and had also participated in the Dong’hak Peasantry war itself, so naturally he was very proud of succeeding the legacy of Dong’hak. He also said that the East and the West, and traditions and modernity, should be studied and consulted altogether. But Yi Don-hwa was different. He was part of the Cheondo-gyo order’s Youth Committee staff, and while he did consider Cheondo-gyo as the legitimate successor of Dong’hak of the past, he wanted to modernize and even Westernize the philosophy of Cheondo-gyo. Their such different views and agendas are well reflected in their respective books.