초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study aimed to investigate the latest trends in the relationship between atopic dermatitis(AD) and psychological factors(PF) and to examine it in korean medicine. We searched MEDLINE for this analysis with the title “atopic dermatitis” AND (“psychology” OR “psychological” OR “mental” OR “emotion” OR “anxiety” OR “depression”) in recent 5 years and searched OASIS on the title “atopy” OR “psychology” OR “emotion” from 2002 to 2017. We selected 23 papers on MEDLINE, 7 papers on OASIS. In western medicine, Stress causes changes in the adrenal nerves, endocrine, and immunological mechanisms and exacerbates dermatitis, which is explained by HPA axis and sympathetic nerve axis, neurogenic inflammation, and cholinergic signals. In Korean medicine, Stress(神) exacerbates AD by affecting the five organs, especially the heart(心), causing inflammation(火熱). We studied the link between AD and PF in Western and Korean medicine. More research is needed in the future.