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This report describes the effectiveness of mahaenggamseog-tang(麻杏甘石湯) on the patients who suffered from atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. We administered mahaenggamseog-tang with heat-clearing and lung-dispersing(淸熱宣肺) effect to two dermatitis patients who showed sweating with panting(汗出而喘), vexation and thirst(煩渴), aversion to heat(惡熱), agitation(煩燥), swelling of the face and eyes(面目浮腫). The severity of dermatitis was evaluated by visual analogue scale(VAS), pictures, SCORAD index(case 1), PASI(case 2). After the treatment, VAS/SCORAD index of case 1 changed from 9/71.5 to 0/6.1; VAS/PASI of case 2 from 8/36.8 to 1/6.8. Mahaenggamseog-tang could improved the symptoms of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis in this study. This study offers an approach to managing chronic dermatitis more effectively using Mahaenggamseog-tang which used mainly for bronchial diseases and obesity.