초록 열기/닫기 버튼

I considered about the background of the establishment of Gokan “Kaminarimon-saiken /Gozen-asakusanori” through the relation between Kibyosi “Kaminarimon-saikou/Gozen-asakusanori” and Amenomiya-kazenomiya/Dehodai-ryakuengi”. In particular, from focusing on the sense of incompatibility of Gokan“Asakusanori”, I found out that it was a book that reformed part of “Amenomiya”. In graphic form, <Gokan“Asakusanori”20 pieces = 6 pieces of creation in the first part +“Amenomiya” 13 pieces and half pieces of the middle and latter part + half pieces of creation in the last part>. Therefore, it was revealed that Gokan “Asakusanori” is not “adapting and reprinting” of the Kibyosi “Asakusanori”, but a separate work with the same title. The reason why such a work that tricks the reader was made is as follows. Because of fighting illness, the author “Ikku” was unable to write the Gokan “Asakusanori” that had been writing until the first part. However, the interests of the publisher Iwataya that the publisher wishes to publish and the Ikku's interests would have matched. In order to match the story of the story, it was judged that Kibyosi “Amenomiya” was more convenient than “Asakusanori”