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일제강점기 아동문학은 동요 전성기였다 해도 과언이 아니다. 동요가 많이 창작되면서 앤솔러지 성격의 동요선집도 발간되었다. 정창원의 『동요집』, <조선동요연구협회>의 『조선동요선집』, 김기주의 『조선신동요선집』, 박기혁의 『색진주』 등을 들 수 있다. 이 가운데 수록 작가와 작품의 수나 동요의 질적 수준 등을 종합적으로 고려하면 『조선동요선집』과 『조선신동요선집』이 대표적인 선집이 될 것이다. 이 글은 김기주의 『조선신동요선집』에 대해 살펴본 것이다. 동요선집으로써의 성취와 한계를 객관적으로 규명하기 위해 가장 근접한 규모의 『조선동요선집』과 비교하는 방법을 취하였다. 『조선신동요선집』의 의의와 한계는 다음과 같이 정리된다. 의의로는 작가 선정과 작품 수집의 광범성, 발표 매체의 다양성, 지역적 한계의 극복, 정전적인 작품 선정의 안목 등을 들 수 있다. 한계로는 일부 섭치 작품이 포함된 것, 계급적 경향의 작가와 작품이 상대적으로 홀대되었다는 점과, 몇몇 작품은 원작이 아니라 표절작임을 간과한 것 등이다.

As is generally known, it is within bound to say that song in children’s literature during the Japanese colonial period was its peak. It was due to the combination of youth writers’ desire for the honor and publication, with the submission request from the children’s literature media and the newspaper literary page, and the rise of propagation effects through the song composition. Anthology-like children’s song collections were also published as a lot of children’s songs were created. The children’s song collection of the Japanese colonial period include Dong-yo-jip(The Collection of Children’s Songs) by Jeong Changwon in Gyeongnam Province, Joseon-dongyo-seonjip(Collection of Korean Children’s Songs) by the Joseon Children’s Song Research Association, Joseon-sin-dongyoseonjip by Kim Giju, Saek-jin-ju(Colored Pearl) by Park Gihyeok. Considering the total number of writers and works, and the quality of the songs, Joseon-dongyo-seonjip and Joseon-sin-dongyo-seonjip could be the representative collections. Compiling collection of children’s song required a persistent effort since one has to search widely for the songs published in various media for a long time. Unique eye to discern the meaningful work among numerous songs was also necessary. This research examines Kim Giju’s Joseon-sin-dongyoseonjip(Pyeongyang, Donggwang Publisher, 1932). So far, only its publication has been known, and no further had been reported in the academic world. This research not only makes the book known but would also like to examine the accomplishments and limitations of the Joseon-sin-dongyo-seonjip by comparing it to another anthology Joseon-dongyo-seonjip(Bakmoonseogwan, 1929) which is closest in its size. Joseon-sin-dongyo-seonjip is overwhelming in scale than other anthology of children’s song as it contains 203 works of 123 writers. The book examines an extensive amount of major newspapers and magazines of the Japanese colonial period in selecting writers and works. It also tried to reflect the reputation and evaluation of the time in selection. The significance and limitations of the Joseon-sin-dongyo-seonjip are summarized as follows. Extensive selection of writers and works, referring diverse sources, overcoming of regional limitations, and the selection of canon-like works can be considered significant. Limitations include that class-oriented writers and their works were relatively unfavored and that it overlooked the fact that some works had been plagiarized.