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Toqto was the main person who achieved the reign of Toghon Temür but the fact that he was a branch of the Bayan’s family acted as the biggest obstacle to his success. In the Royal Government, their ascendancy even led to having Toghon Temür recognize Toqto as another ‘Bayan.’ As the Zhizheng Reform(至正更化) was accelerated to correct the evil effect of Influential Vassal Politics and establish the national discipline, Toqto could not but fall into a target of the reform. Consequently, Toghon Temür’s caution and doubt were expressed as the employment of Berkë Büqa as the Chungsŏ chwasŭngsang(中書左丞相). They often say Berkë Büqa would drive out Toqto because of a personal grudge. However, the nature of this case is that Toghon Temür incited confrontation and conflict, making use of the grudge between the two to prevent the emergence of Influential Vassal Politics. Eventually, as Toqto asked for resignation, Toghon Temür’s doubt came to the end, but Berkë Büqa, who had watched for a chance, would completely drive out Toqto from the Royal Government to strengthen his own party’s power. Berkë Büqa’s maneuver succeeded to some degree, but as soon as he became the Junior Chief Councilor of the Central Secretariat, he came to lose his position because of Toqto Clique’s fierce counterattack. Taiping took the initiative in eliminating Toqto Clique, beating Dorji, the Junior Chief Councilor of the Central Secretariat after Berkë Büqa’s dismissal and taking over the reign of the Royal Government. Toghon Temür trusted Taiping, appointing him greatly, against the ministers’ opposition; however, he attacked Beloved Subject Qamar, using Censorate (御史臺), which aroused attention. Thus, he got rid of the bands of Berkë Büqa Clique, which impeached Qamar fast, left the enticed Censorate to Toqto’s brother Esen Temür and reemployed Toqto to check on Berkë Büqa Clique. However, with the extinction of Berkë Büqa Clique, as the power that could check Toqto disappeared, Toghon Temür’s will of reform came to lose light.