초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper explores the derivation of the constructions known as direct passives, indirect (or adverse) passives and causatives in Korean. In the literature, there are two major points generally accepted: 1) Korean has passive and causative morphemes, 2) these morphemes are syntactic functional categories which decides the Voice or Causativity of the construction. But I will provide a different analysis by arguing three points: 1) so-called passive and causative morphemes are not syntactic functional categories. 2) they combine, in a highly unpredictable way, with a predicate in the Lexicon but not in narrow syntactic components. 3) the function of these morphemes is to produce a lexically derived predicate through the modification of the argument structure or through the change of the Ɵ-role assigned to an external argument. In other words, I will put forward the hypothesis that Korean passive and causative predicates are lexically derived and that this language has no syntactic Voice and Causativity distinction. In the passage, we will see, as a by-product, that there is no inchoative construction in Korean.