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친일청산은 친일행위 진상규명과 더불어 제도 및 의식을 포괄하는 친일잔재의 역사적 청산의 문제이다. 이 글의 목표는 이러한 역사적 청산의 분야별 여러 과제들 가운데 해방 이후에도 지속적으로 영향을 미친 친일의 내적 논리를 해명하는 데 있다. 친일세력이 해방 이후 주도세력이 되면서 그 영향력을 행사해온 내적 논리는 반공주의와 국가주의로 요약될 수 있다. 해방 후 남한의 반공주의는 식민지 시기 친일세력에게 익숙한 반공주의와 역사적, 심리적 연속성이 분명 존재한다. 하지만 반공주의는 해방 후, 친일 반공주의에서 친미 반공주의로의 변형, 이데올로기적 위상 면에서의 변형, 민족주의와 결합된 변형 등 크게 3가지 변형을 겪었다. 또한 식민지 시기뿐만 아니라 해방 이후에 반공주의와 항상 함께 한 이데올로기는 국가주의였다. 파시즘의 세계관을 내면화한 친일세력이 국가권력에 포진함으로써 고문의 상습화와 은폐조작, 민간인 학살에 이르기까지 식민지적 폭력성이 그대로 이어졌다. 또한 국가보안법과 폭력적 국가장치 등 제도의 측면뿐만 아니라 심성의 측면에서도 그 이데올로기적 흔적을 깊게 남겼다. 이러한 반공주의와 국가주의를 더욱 공고하게 만든 것은 분단현실이었다. 분단현실은 국가가 모든 판단의 최종 심판자가 되어 반공주의적 국가체제에 대한 배타적 충성을 강요하는 토양이 되었다. 친일의 내적 논리가 분단체제 속에서 유지되고 강화될 수 있었던 점에서 친일의 청산은 분단의 질곡을 극복하는 과정과 분리될 수 없다.

The Settlement of the Pro-Japanese is a problem of the historical settlement of the pro-Japanese remnants that encompasses the system and consciousness, in addition to identifying the facts of pro-Japanese act. The purpose of this paper is to explain the Internal logic of the pro - Japanese that has continuously been influential even since the liberation among the various tasks of this historical settlement. The inner logic that the pro-Japanese group have been influential since the liberation as a leading force can be summarized as anti-communism and statism. South Korea's anti-communism since the liberation clearly shares a historical and psychological continuity with the anti-communism familiar to the pro-Japanese group during the colonial period. However, anti-communism since the liberation has undergone three major transformations, from pro-Japanese to pro-American anti-communism, transformation in the ideological phase ideological phase, transformation coupled with nationalism. In addition, ideology that was always accompanied by anti-communism was statism, not only in the colonial period but also the post-liberation period. As the pro-Japanese group that internalized the world view of Pacism have continued to be a part of the state power, colonial violence has continued, ranging from the habitual practice of torture, concealment and fabrication, to the massacre of civilians. In addition, it has deeply left its ideological traces not only in the aspects of national security act and violent state apparatuses but also in the mind. It was the division realities that made this anti-communism and statism more solid. The division realities became the soil in which the state became the final judge of all judgments and forced the exclusive loyalty to the anti-communist state system. In the point that the internal logic of the pro-Japanese could be maintained and strengthened in the division system, the settlement of the pro-Japanese can not be separated from the process breaking the fetters of the division.

The Settlement of the Pro-Japanese is a problem of the historical settlement of the pro-Japanese remnants that encompasses the system and consciousness, in addition to identifying the facts of pro-Japanese act. The purpose of this paper is to explain the Internal logic of the pro - Japanese that has continuously been influential even since the liberation among the various tasks of this historical settlement. The inner logic that the pro-Japanese group have been influential since the liberation as a leading force can be summarized as anti-communism and statism. South Korea's anti-communism since the liberation clearly shares a historical and psychological continuity with the anti-communism familiar to the pro-Japanese group during the colonial period. However, anti-communism since the liberation has undergone three major transformations, from pro-Japanese to pro-American anti-communism, transformation in the ideological phase ideological phase, transformation coupled with nationalism. In addition, ideology that was always accompanied by anti-communism was statism, not only in the colonial period but also the post-liberation period. As the pro-Japanese group that internalized the world view of Pacism have continued to be a part of the state power, colonial violence has continued, ranging from the habitual practice of torture, concealment and fabrication, to the massacre of civilians. In addition, it has deeply left its ideological traces not only in the aspects of national security act and violent state apparatuses but also in the mind. It was the division realities that made this anti-communism and statism more solid. The division realities became the soil in which the state became the final judge of all judgments and forced the exclusive loyalty to the anti-communist state system. In the point that the internal logic of the pro-Japanese could be maintained and strengthened in the division system, the settlement of the pro-Japanese can not be separated from the process breaking the fetters of the division.