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This study examined the effects of mobile-based collaborative vocabulary activities on productive English vocabulary achievement and learners’ attitudes toward learning English and English vocabulary. Forty-five college students participated in the study conducted for twelve weeks in total. Students were divided into two groups, each of which was further divided into several small groups organized heterogeneously and homogeneously, respectively, by vocabulary proficiency. Experimental groups performed vocabulary activities using mobile chat rooms created in the Kakao Talk application on students’ smartphones. The results showed that the experimental groups outperformed the control groups in both the short-term and the post productive vocabulary tests. In comparison analyses by grouping types students in the heterogeneous groups gained significantly higher scores than those in the homogeneous groups in part of the short-term tests, but no significant difference was found in the post tests. Survey results showed that the students’ vocabulary-studying hours and interests in English vocabulary learning on a mobile platform increased.