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조선후기에는 先王이 승하하면 왕위를 이은 국왕은 선왕의 실록을 편찬하고 이후 보감과 『列聖御製』, 『列聖誌狀通紀』 등을 편찬하는 것이 정례화 되어갔다. 1782년 정조의 『국조보감』 간행과 종묘 봉안은 이후 1848년과 1909년의 『국조보감』에 전례로서 영향을 끼쳤다. 『국조보감』의 편찬과 간인, 진상과 봉안 등에 대한 많은 정보를 수록한 『國朝寶鑑監印廳儀軌』는 다양한 시각의 연구가 가능한 중요 자료이다. 본 논문은 1782년의 『국조보감감인청의궤』를 대상으로 『국조보감』의 편찬 프로세스와 찬집청 운영을 고찰하였다. 실록을 주요 자료로 활용한 보감의 편찬은, 石室秘藏이라는 실록의 특성으로 인해 작업이 진행됨에 따라 장소를 달리하였다. 『국조보감』의 편찬 프로세스는 궐내에 위치하여 실록을 관리했던 예문관에 설치한 內纂輯廳과 궐외의 관상감에 설치한 外纂輯廳의 이원체계로 운영되었다. 해당 장소에는 『국조보감』의 편찬 프로세스를 수행하기 위해 찬집당상과 등록낭청, 교정당상과 교정낭청 등의 인력이 동원되었다. 이들은 抄出과 割付․謄出 그리고 찬집과 교정 작업을 담당하여 9개월에 걸쳐 13朝의 『국조보감』을 편찬하였다.

In the late Joseon dynasty, it became customary for the succeeding king to publish annals of the former king as well as the bogam(寶鑑), Yeolseongeoje (列聖御製) and Yeolseongjijangtonggi (列聖誌狀通紀), once the former king passed away. King Jeongjo’s editing of the Gukjobogam and its enshrinement at Jongmyo in 1782 became a precedent which influenced the other editions of the Gukjobogam published in 1848 and 1909. The Gukjobogamgamincheonguigwe (國朝寶鑑監印廳儀軌), which contains information on the editing, publication, presentation, and enshrinement of the Gukjobogam, is a rich and important research data. Thisb study examined the editing process of the Gukjobogam and the management of the Chanjipcheong with focus on the Gukjobogamincheonguigwe of 1782. The bogam, which was mainly based on the annals, was edited in several sites since it was illegal for the annals to be accessed by the general public and even the king. The editing of the Gukjobogam was led by two government offices, the Naechanjipcheong (內纂輯廳), an agency affiliated with Yemungwan(藝文館), which managed the annals, and the Oechanjipcheong (外纂輯廳), the agency affiliated with Gwansanggam(觀象監), which was located outside the palace. Personnel, including the chanjipdangsang (纂輯堂上), deungroknangcheong (謄錄郎廳), who were in charge of compiling the material, and the gyojeongdangsang (校正堂上) and gyojeongnangcheong (校正郎廳), who edited the books, were placed in both offices. These officials were in charge of collecting (抄出) and cutting and pasting (割付) the material for the bogam and of copying (謄出) and compiling (纂輯) it, thus succeeding in editing the Gukjobogam of 13 former kings in 9 months.