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The purpose - This study was to present a competitive direction as a marketing strategy for the managers and managers of the Ethnic Restaurant by demonstrating and analyzing the impact of the physical environment on customer satisfaction and recommendation. Design, data, and methodology - The population was limited to those who had experience of using an Ethnic restaurant within the past month as more than 20 adult women living in Gyeonggi and Seoul regions. They then distributed 300 self-involved questionnaires to analyze 274 pages that were valid. Result - Through theoretical examination of the restaurant and the physical environment, the relevant documents were collected and variables were derived, and factors analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple return analysis were applied for empirical analysis. Conclusions - Research shows that the physical environment factors of the Ethnic restaurant, the interior, comfort, cleanliness, atmosphere, and harmonization, affect customer satisfaction and recommended customer satisfaction. The implications of this study will provide a strategic and careful marketing direction for the Ethnic restaurant.