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일본의 총력전체제는 국민정신총동원운동과 국가총동원법에 입각한 전시경제체제와 군사원호체제를 두 축으로 구축되었다. 특히 군사원호체제는 동원령으로 인해 증가하는 전몰자와 그 전몰자유가족에 대한 정신적・경제적 원호가 한층 중요시되었다. 그리고 식민지 조선에서의 총력전체제구축은 ‘충량한 황군병사의 육성’을 목적으로 하는 육군특별지원병제도를 시작으로 ‘내선일체’와 ‘황국신민화’를 표방하는 국민정신총동원운동을 실시하고 육군특별지원병제도의 ‘보급철저’를 내세우며 실행되었다. 이에 본 연구는 육군특별지원병제도의 실시에 따라 군사원호를 통해서 조선인을 황국신민화하기 위한 총력전체제의 구축이 추진되었음에 주목하여 육군특별지원병제도를 군사원호와 결부시켜 고찰하였다. 그 결과 장기화하는 전쟁에 조선인을 동원하기 위한 육군특별지원병의 모집은 높은 선발 경쟁률과는 정반대로 ‘지원’이라는 명목하에 ‘권유’ ‘알선’ 등 강제적인 방법으로 행해졌다는 점에서 육군특별지원병제도에 의한 황국신민화는 순조롭게 진행되지 않았음을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 식민지 조선에서는 이미 군사부조법이 시행되고 있었음에도 불구하고 육군특별지원병에서 첫 전상자가 발생하고 나서야 육군특별지원병과 그 유가족의 원호를 위해 군사부조법을 적용하여 군사원호를 실시하였다. 바로 이러한 점은 육군특별지원병 전상병과 전사자에 대한 군사원호가 황국신민화의 관점에서 추진되었다고 볼 수 있으며, 육군특별지원병의 유가족에 대해 경제적・정신적 원호를 제공하는 군사원호 또한 조선 민중을 전쟁에 동원하기 위한 황국신민화 그 자체였음을 알 수 있다.
Japan’s total war system was built around two pillars: wartime economy and military support system based on the National Spiritual Mobilization Movement and the National Mobilization Law. In particular, psychological and financial support for the ever-increasing number of fallen soldiers and their bereaved families due to mobilization became even more emphasized under the military support system. The establishment of this total war system in Joseon under Japan’s colonial rule started from the Army Special Volunteer System adopted to raise ‘loyal and honest soldiers for the Emperor’ to the National Spiritual Mobilization Movement under the slogans of ‘Japan and Korea as One’ and the ‘Emperor’s Subjects’, providing ‘full supply’ for the Army Special Volunteer System. In this regard, this study aims at examining how military support for the Army Special Volunteer System was provided in Joseon under Japan’s colonial rule without a conscription system unlike ‘mainland’ Japan. The army special volunteers were recruited, in fact, using forceful measures such as ‘solicitation’ and ‘mediation’ in the name of ‘volunteering’ completely opposite to its very high competition rate for selection. Moreover, even though the Military Assistance Law had already been enforced in Joseon under Japan’s colonial rule, the law started to be applied to provide military support for army special volunteers and their bereaved families only after the first wounded volunteer was reported. This indicates that military support for the army special volunteers who were wounded or killed in war was provided under the policy of the Emperor’s Subjects, and that the purpose of financial and psychological support for their bereaved families lay in the policy that aimed to mobilize the people of Joseon for war. As such, this study reviewed the Army Special Volunteer System that the Empire of Japan adopted to establish its total war system in Joseon, and based on the discussion, it suggested that the policy of the Emperor’s Subjects was implemented through the forced recruitment of army special volunteers and financial and psychological military support for them and their bereaved families.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Total war system period, Joseon under Japan’s colonial rule, Army Special Volunteer System, Policy of Emperor’s Subjects, Army special volunteer, Military support