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The purpose of this study was to explore awareness of ‘Culinary Science & Hospitality Research’ using big data analysis of google scholar. For this, this study collected data containing ‘culianry science & hospitality research’ keyword from google scholar during three year from 2016 to 2018. Data were collected by using SCTM (Smart Crawling & Text Mining), a data collecting and processing program. From those data, degree centrality and eigenvector centrality were analyzed by utilizing packaged NetDraw along with UCINET 6. The result showed that the web visibility of ‘hospitality’ and ‘culinary’ was high. In addition, the web visibility was also high for journal, such as dbpia, crossref and publiccation; ‘ethics’ related words, such as social, environment, responsibility and value. Convergence of iterated correlations showed 4 clustered named ‘hospitality’, ‘culinary’, ‘journal’ and ‘ethics’. This study regarding on journal’s current status, and international research environment will be a valuable foundation of baseline for establishing journal sustainable strategies.